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M. Camila Almeida's publications from FeverLab

Almeida MC, Hew-Butler T, Soriano RN, Rao S, Wang W, Wang J, Tamayo N, Oliveira DL, Nucci TB, Aryal P, Garami A, Bautista D, Gavva NR, Romanovsky AA. Pharmacological blockade of the cold receptor TRPM8 attenuates autonomic and behavioral cold defenses and decreases deep body temperature. J Neurosci 32: 2086-2099, 2012.

Steiner AA, Molchanova AY, Dogan MD, Patel S, Pétervári E, Balaskó M, Wanner SP, Eales J, Oliveira DL, Gavva NR, Almeida MC, Székely M, Romanovsky AA. The hypothermic response to bacterial lipopolysaccharide critically depends on brain CB1, but not CB2 or TRPV1, receptors. J Physiol 589: 2415-2431, 2011.

Garami A, Pakai E, Oliveira DL, Steiner AA, Wanner SP, Almeida MC, Lesnikov VA, Gavva NR, Romanovsky AA. Thermoregulatory phenotype of the Trpv1 knockout mouse: thermoeffector dysbalance with hyperkinesis. J Neurosci 31: 1721-1733, 2011.

Garami A, Almeida MC, Nucci TB, Hew-Butler T, Soriano RN, Pakai E, Nakamura K, Morrison SF, Romanovsky AA. Chapter 14. The TRPV1 channel in normal thermoregulation: What have we learned from experiments using different tools? In: Vanilloid Receptor TRPV1 in Drug Discovery: Targeting Pain and Other Pathological Disorders, ed. by Gomtsyan A, Faltynek CR. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010, p. 351-402.

Romanovsky AA, Almeida MC, Garami A, Steiner AA, Norman MH, Morrison SF, Nakamura K, Burmeister JJ, Nucci TB. The transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channel: a thermosensor it is not. Pharmacol Rev 61: 228-261, 2009.

Steiner AA, Turek VF, Almeida MC, Burmeister JJ, Oliveira DL, Roberts JL, Bannon AW, Norman MH, Louis J-C, Treanor JJS, Gavva NR, Romanovsky AA. Nonthermal activation of transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 channels in abdominal viscera tonically inhibits autonomic cold-defense effectors. J Neurosci 27: 7459-7468, 2007.

Almeida MC, Steiner AA, Branco LGS, Romanovsky AA. Neural substrate of cold-seeking behavior in endotoxin shock. PLoS One 1: e1, 2006.

Almeida MC, Steiner AA, Branco LGS, Romanovsky AA. Cold-seeking behavior as a thermoregulatory strategy in systemic inflammation. Eur J Neurosci 23: 3359-3367, 2006.

Romanovsky AA, Almeida MC, Aronoff DM, Ivanov AI, Konsman JP, Steiner AA, Turek VF. Fever and hypothermia in systemic inflammation: recent discoveries and revisions. Front Biosci 10: 2193-2216, 2005.


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